Somewhere out of the ether comes this sentiment:

No lids... No Kids... No Space Cadets...

No Phonetic Phonatics... absolutely no School Bus Riders...

Only Class A operators need apply


Truckin... like the doo dah man

What a long strange trip its been

My E-HAM profile

Self Supporting 80M vertical 

Multi-band High Performance Vertical



My QTH viewed from Space (a.k.a Paradise)

K9ES Self Supporting 80M 4 Square

Flex 5000 CW Debouncer

Zoom out to see  my  position with respect to the Atlantic Ocean
I'm about 2.5 miles inland from the intercoastal waterway and about 1 mile off I-95.  I live on a hill about 30 ft above sea level.  Most everyone around me is about 25ft above sea level except for those poor jokers father down the hill.  I figure when the global warming comes I'll be beach front.  When the hurricane comes I'll be history.  I've managed to adapt to the altitude, though I still get headaches.  If you zoom out to the 10 mi level you can see the Kennedy Space Center off to the Southeast.  The 2 little white spots close to the shore with the roads leading to them are shuttle launch pads 39A (north) and 39B (south),  The roads from the pads lead back to the VAB.  That "road to nowhere" by the VAB heading off back toward my QTH is the shuttle landing strip.  When the rockets go off, the sound knocks me out of bed.  It takes 63 seconds from ignition to get to my house.  When the Shuttle lands, it makes a pass over my house on the final approach and I get double sonic booms which also knock me out of bed.  When the rockets light off at night, they are so bright, all the roosters in the neighborhood start to crow and all the dogs start to bark.  If you center the map over the space center and zoom back in you can count the hatch marks on the Shuttle landing strip.  A little farther south is Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, and it has several launch sites as well.  I love living in Paradise.  The only downside is I'm west of K4ESE and W4AG, but that puts them east of Eden, so I'm not complaining.

KB4BR meets the Gas Passer

The Genteel KB4BR meets the Gas Passer

Orlando 2006

emai:l lee.w9oy at